Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
- cloth simulation on skirt and cape
- flesh leak on horns simulation done with bone physics
Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)
Animated: (Yes)
Number of Animations: 5
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): 0/5
Number of characters: 1
Vertex counts of characters: 34 344
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 2/3
Number of Textures: 9
Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: Link the documentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHce1-ipkwo
Important/Additional Notes: Head(Jaw, Jaw01), Horns(Horn_r, Horn_Leak3_01_r, Horn_Leak3_02_r, Horn_Leak3_03_r, Horn_Leak2_01_r, Horn_Leak2_02_r, Horn_Leak2_03_r, Horn_Leak6_01_r, Horn_Leak6_02_r, Horn_Leak6_03_r, Horn_Leak5_01_r, Horn_Leak5_02_r, Horn_Leak5_03_r, Horn_Leak7_01_r, Horn_Leak7_02_r, Horn_Leak7_03_r, Horn_Leak4_01_r, Horn_Leak1_01_r, Horn_Leak1_02_r, Horn_Leak1_03_r, Horn_Leak8_01_r, Horn_l, Horn_Leak3_01_l, Horn_Leak3_02_l, Horn_Leak3_03_l, Horn_Leak2_01_l, Horn_Leak2_02_l, Horn_Leak2_03_l, Horn_Leak6_01_l, Horn_Leak6_02_l, Horn_Leak6_03_l, Horn_Leak5_01_l, Horn_Leak5_02_l, Horn_Leak5_03_l, Horn_Leak7_01_l, Horn_Leak7_02_l, Horn_Leak7_03_l, Horn_Leak4_01_l, Horn_Leak1_01_l, Horn_Leak1_02_l, Horn_Leak1_03_l, Horn_Leak8_01_l, ), Thigh(Acc_r, Sickle, Rope01, Skull01, rope2, Skull02, Acc_l, Rope03, Skull03), Foot(ToeOUT01_r, ToeOUT02_r, ToeOUT03_r, ToeM01_r, ToeM02_r, ToeM03_r, ToeIN01_r, ToeIN02_r, ToeIN03_r, ToeOUT01_l, ToeOUT02_l, ToeOUT03_l, ToeM01_l, ToeM02_l, ToeM03_l, ToeIN01_l, ToeIN02_l, ToeIN03_l)