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🇬eneral Information:

Transformable Kit is a tool to create preset transforms for any Actor.

It consists of five C++ classes, derived from Actor Component, can be attached to any actor.

Actual version is 1.1. Updated 25.08.2022


Demo(Win64 - UE5.0 + UE4.25)

Plugin Showcase(Youtube)

Usage Video(Youtube)

Telegram Community(Feel free to ask questions)

🇼hat can I do with this plugin?

This plugin helps you to create actors with preset transforms: rotating and sliding doors, buttons, executive levers, traps, surroundings, etc. It can be also used with any Actor. You can configure such things as:

  1. Delta Location
  2. Delta Rotation
  3. Transform Time
  4. Pause time before transforms (after activation)
  5. Set up non linear transforms with float curves
  6. Activate level events with Transformable Output Events (Delegates).


Transform starts with BP API function called with trigger, interaction with ray traycing (included in Example project - see usage video for more information), or custom call.

📃There are types of Transformable Components:

  1.  Transformable Once - one-time transform. No repeats. Example: huge door in level.
  2. Transformable Loop - all time looped transforms. Example: rotating fan, passing object (teleports at initial transform at end).
  3. Transformable Repeatable - repeatable transforms. On activation Actor transforms and returns. Example: self-returning button.
  4. Transformable Multiple - repeatable transforms, on first activation Actor transforms, on second - returns. Optionally can be returned during forward transform.
  5. Transformable Parametric - transforms in accordance with other Transformable Component but uses own Delta Location and Rotation.


🇼hat else is included?

  1. Powerful BP Function API
  2. Ray traycing interaction with Transformable Components (not in plugin but in example project)
  3. Output Events (Delegates) that can be used in BP
  4. More than one Transformable can be attached to Actor at the same time. Transforms should pass consistently!

Thanks for your time and support! 🦀Mighty Crab

Technical Details


  1. Transformable components are derived from ActorComponent C++ class
  2. All Transforms are in Global Coordinates
  3. Transformable Component applies transforms to Actor's component that has Location, Rotation (Static Mesh, etc.)
  4. Interaction code is not included in Plugin! It's distributed for free with Example Project (C++ and BP).




Usage Video(Youtube)

📦Example Project:

UE4.25 + UE5.0

Modules: Transformable Kit Plugin - Runtime

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 5

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: All

Supported Target Build Platforms: All

Mighty Crab Studios
All Assets by Author
Platforms Windows 64-bit, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS
UE Versions 4.25 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.1
Release date 25.12.2021

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