This is a set of 20 cascade trail particles; all Textures are 256x256, I used instanced materials and GPU emitters whenever possible, kept material instructions as low as possible and created custom LODs. Also, for presentation purposes, I added 20 cascade pickup particles, 20 pickup Blueprints , 20 projectile Blueprints, 20 spawners, one modified first person Blueprint, and 5 sounds.
I set up the blueprints so that when the player overlaps a "pick up" , corresponding projectile is "picked up" by the player's gun and can then be fired by pressing left mouse button.
These particle systems are static and they get their movement from Projectile Blueprints. Changing projectile speed will affect the appearance of the trails: they will appear "thicker" or "denser" at slower speeds, and "thinner" or "spotty" if you increase projectile speed.
Sounds used in this asset pack are royalty free sounds downloaded from
- “suction” sound recorded by Mike Koenig.
- “Male Cough” by Mike Koenig
- “Sharp Fart Sound” by Mike Koenig
I modified them in Audacity.
YouTube video here: