The probs are categorized in 8 categorized
- Door (there are 6 unique doors and one of them has 3 different materials.)
- Fence (4 unique meshes. Fence, fencecorner and the door with the frame for the door)
- Furniture (≈25 unique meshes. bath, seat, oven, shelf, sink, toilet, cup etc.)
- Lamp (mostly traditional lamps. 5 unique)
- Roof Tiles (6 Unique Rooftiles categorized into dirty and clean ones.)
- Torii (2 Unique Torii. one of them has different Material attached on it.)
- Wall (25 Unique items)
- Extra (3 Unique Items Trafic Light, bus sign and a street lamp)
there is no ceilling or floor Material or Mesh in this package.