This package includes professional and luxurious Structure Destruction sound.
It includes the sound of destruct structure or bullet hitting rock structure,
and a variety of reverb sounds that creates an echo.
- Rock Structure Crashes
- Rock Structure Bullet Hits
Dry Sounds.
Room Sounds.
- BassRoom 100
- BathRoom 100
- BrightLargeRoom 100
- Closet 100
- ConsertHallLA 100
- ConsertHalLSydney 100
- CoolChorus 100
- DrumStudio 100
- FatAmbience 100
- MediumHall 100
- NeutralConsertHall 100
- NeutralRoom 100
- SlapBackAmbience 100
- SlapBackHall 100
- SmallDarkHall 100
- TheLittleRoom 100
- TightSmallRoom 100
- WarmVintage 100