Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
- 5 4k PBR Variations
- Seperate parts & Skeletal Mesh
- Used and worn look
- 4 Animations for Skeletal Mesh
Texture Sizes: (please list resolutions for each texture)
- 17 x 4k (Color, Metal, Roughness, AO and Normal)
- 3 x 4k x 2k HDRI Maps
- 1 x 2k detail Normal map
Scaled to Epic skeleton: (Yes/No)
Collision: (Yes/No, and specify which type -- custom, automatically generated, or per-poly?)
Vertex Count: 11,692
LODs: 1
Number of Meshes: 1 Skeletal Mesh and 5 Static meshes
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 12
Number of Textures: 21
Supported Development Platforms: PC, MAC, Console, Mobile, VR & AR
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, MAC, Console, Mobile, VR & AR
Important/Additional Notes: Visit www.shaunsgallery.co.uk for more info