With this plugin you can Serialize all common types and arrays to a String up to 5x Faster than Unreals default one!
You can then Deserialize that string back to the type it was so you have access to the data again.
The Plugin has support for all common types such as Ints, Bools, Floats, Vectors etc. and arrays of all these types.
It supports Custom Structs as well, however they get Serialized / Deserialized using the default Json as I was unable to make them work with Rapid Json.
Please check out the documentation on how to set it up, there's also a example class in the plugin that shows how to use it.
The Plugin utilizes the Rapid Json Library that Tencent Released some years ago. Thanks to Tencent for releasing this to the public with a MIT License!
NOTE: If you own my other Plugin "Runtime Vertex Color Paint & Detection Plugin" then you already have a Module that's pretty much the same as this one!