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Race Game Easy is a simple and well crafted BP assets that helps you start on creating your own racing game. You can use any type of pawn or actor. This can be use to craft not only car racing game , but also flying game or even sport game like a skiing or similar. Any game where you have either loop or sprint type of race and the objective is to beat time and hit all the checkpoints.

Youtube Tutorial : Race Game Easy Overview - YouTube

Playable Demo : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12Nf7yxiW0nJPJmtEHvlD2hrMX8FfdyEr?usp=share_link

Technical Details


  • Drag and drop easy set up
  • Only set number of loops you want to player to go
  • Automatic check for loop or sprint race
  • Best Race Time
  • Best Lap Time
  • Save Best Lap Time
  • Save Best Race Time
  • Works with any actor/object you would like to race with, no need to rewrite the BP


Plugin : this project is working with Chaos Vehicle Plugin , this plugin is needed for the vehicle to move around, however this is only specific to the demo project. The blueprints can be migrated to any other project. Without the need for this plugin.


Number of Blueprints: 9

Input: (If any, please include which methods of input are preconfigured (Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse... etc.))

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation:Race Game Easy Overview - YouTube

Platforms Windows 64-bit, MacOS, Windows 32-bit
UE Versions 5.1
Release date 12.12.2022

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