Bug reports or feature suggestions: erosa3d@gmail.com
Update 23-05-03:
- Added "ignore" section, where you can define keywords that the tool should ignore when reorganizing, from the Actor name OR the Class name (Example.: Ignore list with "Light" will make the tool skip all actors containing the word "light" in its name or its class);
A tool which uses two different filters to define World Outliner folders and sub-folders depending on the class.
The main filter (Called "Class Mapping Filter") is the main one, where the main classes were mapped and set, but you can change, add or remove from it, freely.
The second filter works as a "guessing" filter, because in some situations, the tool can't define by the class name where the actor belongs, so it looks for "keywords" to define them. This second pass only happens to those where no matching class was found by the main filter.
You can additionally define the "root folder name" on the outliner.
Simple yet helpful to organize a bit some rushed projects on the go!
IMPORTANT: Remember to Enable the "Editor Utility Scripting" plugin, and to run it, right-click on "OutlinerOrganizer" and choose "Run Editor Utility Widget".