Watermill_03 Overview video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rORvSVsSy7s
Watermill_03 Tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHfO3LqH_uc
Studio Animatrek has all rights to distribute everything presented in this project.
*This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.0+
The project is using Lumen Global Illumination. Here is a link to the Epic Games documentation on how to enable GI settings: https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/lumen-global-illumination-and-reflections-in-unreal-engine/
*This product supports Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.0+
Important: Please be aware that SM_Wheel has the vertex animated rotating material that uses World Position Offset which does not support Nanite features and If you apply Nanite to it, it will not rotate!
Here is a link to the official Epic Games documentation on this topic:
Important: Nanite is bugged in 5.0 which can cause multiple visual defects but has been fixed in 5.1
Medieval European Gothic watermill:
- realistic exterior with windows and doors with pivots located in the center of the hinges, allowing them to open and close
- empty realistic interiors to fill with them furniture and other items
In this package we can use the unique ones developed by our studio:
- rotating vertex animated material with its instance
- terrain and automatic landscape material (grass, ground and rock) with its instances, allowing you to make additional changes to the landscape
- universal materials with its instances for static meshes
-visual effects:
- flame (Nagara VFX System)
- smoke (Niagara VFX System)
To demonstrate a watermill on a river, a water system is used here and for this you must activate the Unreal Engine Water Plugin.
For contacts with us: studioanimatrek@gmail.com