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GBWPowerfulHit - Most expressive combat system in the Market. Multiplayer Ready.

This product comes from a 3A action game under development and will continue to improve and evolve as the project progresses.

The goal of this product is to become the most productive, expressive and easy-to-use combat system in the UE market.

In future updates, it will become the best combat system you can get in the UE market!

Trailer Video YouTube : Youtube Vidoe Bilibili Vidoe

Try The Demo : DemoInGoogleDrive DemoIn百度网盘

Tutorial Video : Tutorial In Youtube Tutorial In Bilibili (Waiting for update)

Document : English 中文

Support : Discord Channel QQ群-691495466

Get The DemoProject : Please verify in the Discord channel or QQ group, where the advanced support resources will be distributed to the verified users.

My other assets in the market :

GBWThrow-Throw, Launch and Recall anything. Multiplayer Ready

GBWScratch-Scratches on any surface! Multiplayer Ready!

Important update on January 17, 2023!

PowerfulHit2.3.1 is now available!

The combat system is more perfect!

The elements of combat performance are more abundant!

GBWScratch-Scratches on any surface! Multiplayer Ready!has been integrated into PH2.3!

Projectile attack support! (Throw, shoot, bow... anywhere you need Projectile)

Try the latest DemoProject!

It will show you how to use PH-2.3 to quickly implement an action game prototype by configuring data assets without any coding and any blueprint nodes.

(Important: This update is not forward compatible. If you are working with PowerfulHit1.0 or PowerfulHit2.0, please back up your project file before updating the plug-in. Learn how to use the new PH system to quickly realize your idea through DemoProject!)

A plug-in that allows your character attack more expressive.

At the same time, it is also a complete multiplayer combat system!

This plug-in deconstructs the core elements of the sense of hit and combines them in a very easy way.

In addition, it provides a working method of zero code and zero blueprint to produce action games!

  • If you have your own combat system, there are three ways to improve your hit performance immediately:
  1. All features have their own animation Notify. You can directly configure them in your animation assets to produce immediate effects.
  2. All features provide global static functions. You can call them directly anywhere in the blueprint to produce immediate effects.
  3. Through PowerfulHitCompont, you can trigger the effect configuration in the data asset through the GameplayTag, which allows you to enjoy both the freedom of your own game logic and the convenience brought by the data-driven mode.

  • If you don't have your own combat system, you can fully use the combat system provided by PowerfulHit! Complete data-driven mode, zero coding and zero blueprint! Focus on content production and get rid of the underlying logic implementation!

Note that it will continue to increase in price in future updates. Because the system will include a large number of planned essential elements of action games in future updates.

I know many independent game developers are great programmers, but many independent game developers are not skilled creators of art. As a result, the works created by them have no problem in logic, but are always unsatisfactory in expressive. And good art creators are often not skilled programmers, which makes it difficult for them to achieve the effect of their own ideas.

Different from other combat systems in the market, this pulgin not only pays attention to the model of the combat system, but also pays more attention to the combat expressive.

Note: The plugin does not include any models/animations by itself. You can download the sample project to experience its effect.

Important Tips:

The purpose of this product is to enable developers, especially those who are not good at coding, to quickly develop their own action games with good expressive by configuring data assets.

Therefore, its focus is not on providing flexibility at the coding level, but on providing flexibility at the level of using data asset descriptions.

Another focus is to provide a series of functions to enhance the expressive of the game (such as the expressive of hit).

The core logic of this product is not implemented in C++. Because, unless unavoidable, this product prefer to use blueprints, which is more friendly for users who are not good at C++, especially for art creators who are not good at coding.

For this project, all C++content is for more convenient construction logic in the blueprint. Unless necessary, this project should not write the core logic in C++. 

Technical Details


  • Hit Trace - Melle Trace, Projectile Trace! 开箱即用的命中检测功能,支持近战检测、投掷物检测!
  • Multiplayer combat system!(Melle, Projectile...) 多人战斗系统!(近战、远程....)
  • Weapon Trail 武器拖尾
  • Sound 音效
  • Niagara 特效
  • Body Shake, Now supports bone shake 身体抖动,现已支持骨骼抖动
  • Body Flash And Trail 身体闪光与拖尾
  • Freeze Frame 定帧
  • Camera Shake 摄像机抖动
  • Camera Lens Blur 摄像机景深模糊
  • Move In The Direction 位移
  • Set Spring Arm 弹簧臂控制
  • Scratch! 斩痕!
  • TryFocusOnOpponent - Adjust the orientation and relative position of the both sides of the combat 调整敌我双方的朝向和相对位置
  • PostureAdjust - Dynamically adjust the attack posture according to the height and position of the target! 根据目标身高、位置动态调整攻击姿态!
  • AdditionalItems - A new way to add weapons, equipment and even character appearance to your character. Support skeleton mesh, static mesh and Actor! 一种全新的方式为你的角色添加诸如武器、装备甚至角色外观。支持骨架网格体、静态网格体和Actor!
  • And More Features Coming Soon... 更多功能更新中...

And More:

  • PowerfulInput-key combination, key sequence! PowerfulInput,按键组合、按键序列!
  • Asymmetric camp system 非对称的阵营系统
  • Special animation root motion system, The skeleton mesh that plays the animation need not be the default mesh component of Character, and the root motion can also take effect! 特殊的动画根运动系统。播放动画的骨骼网格体不必是Character的默认Mesh组件,根运动也可生效!
  • Actor State System 角色状态系统
  • And More Coming Soon... 更多功能更新中...

Code Modules:

  •  GBWPowerfulHit[Runtime]
  • GBWPowerfulHitEditor(UncookedOnly)

Number of Blueprints: 137

Number of C++ Classes: 19

Network Replicated: Yes

Platforms Windows 64-bit, Windows 32-bit
UE Versions 5.0 - 5.2
Release date 08.11.2022

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