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  1. Generate GameplayTag macro code with one click. Generating code includes macros, macro checks, and comments. The GameplayTag collection source includes the GameplayTagTableList in the settings, as well as the defaultGameplayTags.ini configuration file
  2. Check if GameplayTag is duplicated. Duplicate GameplayTag will be printed in the form of a warning on the console
  3. In addition to supporting C++macros, it also supports popular scripting language frameworks such as Unlua and Purchases
  4. Complete code annotations for easy secondary development and learning
  5. The annotation style can be changed, and there are now two types: line annotations and document annotations
  6. C++ Code Force Alignment

  1. 一键生成 GameplayTag 宏代码。生成代码包括宏、宏检查、注释。GameplayTag 收集源包括设置中的 GameplayTagTableList,以及 DefaultGameplayTags.ini 配置文件
  2. 检查 GameplayTag 是否重复。重复的 GameplayTag 会在控制台以警告的形式打印出来
  3. 除了对 C++ 宏支持外,支持 Unlua、Puerts 等流行的脚本语言框架
  4. 完整的代码注释,方便二次开发和学习
  5. 注释风格可以改,现在有两种,分别为行注释和文档注释
  6. C++ 代码强制对齐

Technical Details


  1. Generate GameplayTag macro code with one click. Generating code includes macros, macro checks, and comments. The GameplayTag collection source includes the GameplayTagTableList in the settings, as well as the defaultGameplayTags.ini configuration file
  2. Check if GameplayTag is duplicated. Duplicate GameplayTag will be printed in the form of a warning on the console
  3. In addition to supporting C++macros, it also supports popular scripting language frameworks such as Unlua and Purchases
  4. Complete code annotations for easy secondary development and learning
  5. The annotation style can be changed, and there are now two types: line annotations and document annotations
  6. C++ Code Force Alignment


  1. 一键生成 GameplayTag 宏代码。生成代码包括宏、宏检查、注释。GameplayTag 收集源包括设置中的 GameplayTagTableList,以及 DefaultGameplayTags.ini 配置文件
  2. 检查 GameplayTag 是否重复。重复的 GameplayTag 会在控制台以警告的形式打印出来
  3. 除了对 C++ 宏支持外,支持 Unlua、Puerts 等流行的脚本语言框架
  4. 完整的代码注释,方便二次开发和学习
  5. 注释风格可以改,现在有两种,分别为行注释和文档注释
  6. C++ 代码强制对齐

Code Modules:

  •  GameplayTagMacroGenerator(Editor)

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 11

Network Replicated: Not needed, but can work in Multiplayer projects

Supported Development Platforms: Win64、MacOS

Supported Target Build Platforms: Anywhere


Example Project

Supported Engine Versions:4.26、4.27、5.0、5.1、5.2

Platforms MacOS, Windows 64-bit
UE Versions 5.2
Release date 11.04.2023

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