The pack of futuristic sounds fully designed from scratch without using any third-party sound libraries.
Each sound is presented with variations to be able to randomize them for maximum naturalness.
SoundCloud Demo:
YouTube Demo:
- 10 Gun Shots with 2-4 variations for each.
- 10 Explosions from small granade to huge spaceship boom with 3-5 variations for each.
- 3 Lasers, 3 Force Fields, Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher, Shepard Tone beam (the infinitely rising one), Electricity and Rusty Gates seamless loops. Each loop has 4 Attack and 4 Release one-shots carefully blended with corresponding loop.
- SustainedSoundPlayer and RepeatableSoundPlayer components to easily drive all these things (see demo map).
- Demo map with all sounds example set up.