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📖 Documentation



As you can already see from the name, this product was developed with a focus on the simulation of farm animals. Of course, you can also modify the product to suit your needs. We recommend everyone to get a basic knowledge of the Engine and especially of AI creation, before making any changes to the system. However, in order for everyone to be able to use our system, we have created a documentation that explains very simply how the Farm Animals AI can be integrated into your project.

You can use the product to simulate animals, for example in a City Builder game or you can actively integrate the games so that the player can interact with them. For example in a Farm Simulator. The Farm Animal AI can be used in many different ways.

We wish you lots of fun with this product, and hope you enjoy it. As always, the support is happy to help you with all questions related to this product. Unfortunately, we can't help if you make changes to the project that we don't know about.



Artificial Intelligence: 🧠

  • AI drinks water when thirsty.
  • AI eats food when hungry.
  • Sleeps at sleeping location when low energy.
  • Animals reproduce when able to do so.
  • Random roams the environment when nothing else to do.
  • AI dies when not enough food, water or energy/sleep is provided.
  • Crowd avoidance enabled

The AI is managed by a clean and well documented behaviour tree. You can check all values and currently executed behaviours in Realtime by opening the behaviour tree asset while executing the simulation. All sections of the behaviour tree are explained in the documentation. Code samples like decorators, services or tasks are cleanly structured and well commented.


Environment Query System [EQS]: 🌎

  • To provide better movement on the terrain we integrated an easy environment query system.
  • AI performs an environment query to find best possible spot to move to.
  • Integrated backup function to prevent bugs when EQS fails.

To provide better movement for the AI we added an environment query system. The EQS scans the terrain with all its colliders and obstacles and then calculates the best spot for the AI to move to. Sometimes when the AI is stuck in a weird

spot or the area where the AI is located, is highly overpopulated the EQS might not find a valid location for the AI to move to. For this scenario we added a simple function that calculates a position inside a given radius which will get called when the EQS can´t find a position. This prevents bugs like the AI being stuck in a corner forever.


Save System: 💾

  • Custom created save system (BP Library)
  • Performance friendly saving, using structures
  • 4 save functions + 1 spawner sanction / blueprint

The save system saves all relevant data of each instance of the AI. It saves the instances transform, gender,

age, water value, food value, energy value and health value. If there is a save game the system will spawn

all instances at the exact same location with the exact same values as the last time you left the game.

Thanks to a very flexible blueprint library you can use the save system from almost everywhere in your game with zero effort.


Technical Details

Main Features:

  • Artificial Intelligence:
  • Enviorment Query System [EQS]
  • Save System

Network Replicated: (No)

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Not tested)

Documentation: DOC

Important/Additional Notes: Read Documentation before buying.

Labgames Studio
All Assets by Author
Platforms Windows 64-bit, Windows 32-bit
UE Versions 4.27, 5.0 - 5.1
Release date 05.10.2022

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