- 5 unique swords
- 2 unique axes
- 2 unique staves
- 1 unique shield
- One Mesh - One Material
Number of Unique Meshes: 10
Collision: Yes, automatically generated.
Vertex Count:
FW#1 - 5.072 tris
FW#2 - 7.952 tris
FW#3 - 4.804 tris
FW#4 - 7.376 tris
FW#5 - 9.034 tris
FW#6 - 9.804 tris
FW#7 - 3.870 tris
FW#8 - 2.960 tris
FW#9 - 3.250 tris
FW#10 - 4.788 tris
LODs: Yes
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 10
Number of Textures: 54
Texture Resolutions: 2K 2048/2048
(BaseColor, Metallic, Normal, Roughness, AO, Emission):
- FW#2, FW#5, FW#6, FW#8
(BaseColor, Normal, Roughness, AO, Emission):
- FW#1
(BaseColor, Metallic, Normal, Roughness, AO):
- FW#3, FW#4, FW#7, FW#9, FW#10
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Support: e-mail - kilroy9916@yandex.ru