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This plugin adds multiple sound node, each with their own unique functionality.

C++ is not required at all to use this plugin. It is however recommended that you have a basic understanding of the sound cue graph.

NOTE: This plugin makes use of Sound Cues, this will eventually be unavailable in the future releases of UE5, However there are Metasound counterparts, they are however, graphs, proper nodes are being worked, and will hopefully be implemented soon.

Current Published Version: V1.1

The Sounds included in the plugin are example sounds, the purposes of these sounds is to test the functionality of the sound nodes.


This plugin will add 4 sound nodes, each with different uses

  1. Distance Delay
  2. Random
  3. Random Start
  4. Wave Player

  • The distance delay will take the node connected before it and delay that sound according to the distance to the listener.

  • The random node will use an array of sounds which allows the sound cue graph to remain clean, and still work the way it should.

  • The random start node will take the node connected before it and randomly start the sound depending on 2 user-defined variables.

  • The Wave player will play a single raw wav sound file and gives the user the ability to randomize the sound through this node, instead of connecting a Random Start before it, this is useful for ambient sounds or engine idle sounds.


  • Added Metasound graph equivalents of the sound nodes, so you can now use meta sounds
  • Added the random start functionality to the random node to make ease of use better
  • Added TestDistance variable to DistanceDelay node, this acts as an editor only variable to test the speed delay at certain distances
  • Removed TestDistance Functionality in version 4.27 due to bug causing code not to work. I am working on a fix and will update to add it back ASAP

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some spelling bugs

Technical Details


  •  Distance Delay node, delays the sound according to the distance from the player.
  •  Random Node, More compact version of the random node that comes with Unreal Engine.
  •  Wave player, Node that will play a raw wav file and has the ability to randomize the start time of the sound.
  • Random Start, Node that will set a random start time for the node connected before it.

Code Modules:

  •  ExtraSoundNodes, Runtime

Number of Blueprints: 13

Number of C++ Classes: 8

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: Win64

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64

Platforms Windows 64-bit
UE Versions 4.27, 5.0 - 5.1
Release date 27.04.2022

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