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Versions: V.5.1 for UE5.2, UE5.1, UE5.0 & UE4.27 and 3.0 for UE4.26

Note: If you want to use update 4.0 in UE version 4.26 or 4.25, please reach out via email as unreal engine doesn’t allow for plugin updates below UE4.27.

This Unreal Engine plugin offers a range of features for executing & terminating .exe files as well as obtaining information about processes. As a game developer with over 7 years of experience using Unreal Engine, I created this plugin to solve the problem of not being able to start .exe files with blueprints. With this plugin you can create launchers, launch anti-cheat software and many other things.

Plugin Tutorial (Version 3.1): YouTube

Looking to save some money? There's no need to spend big bucks on pricey freelancers to create a plugin. Instead, simply share your desired plugin on my Discord server and I'll add it to my to-do list. Let me help bring your vision to life without breaking the bank!

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Documentation: View

YouTube: Watch

Contact: brokenarmstudios@gmail.com


Version 6.0 (Coming Soon) - These changes are not granted and will be changed to be more specific

  • Added "ProcessID" output to the execution node

  • Added Process Handles. Process Handles are a new type of int number you can get
  • Added "Process Handle" to the Process informations Struct
  • New Node: "Is Specific Process Still Running" - A node for which you need the new handle
  • Renamed/Corrected some struct tooltips
  • Fixed some coding naming conventions

  • Renamed node from "Bytes to Megabytes" to "Byte Converter"
  • Reworked the "Byte Converter" node
  • Renamed "File Attribute" enum and all of its childs to fit naming conventions
  • Optimized and cleaned up code
  • Renamed some variable inputs
  • Other small changes

  • Actually Implemented until now:
  • Fixed naming convention for the "FileAttributeConstants" struct
  • Optimized function keywords
  • Renamed every "PID" input to be "ProcessID" for better usability
  • Renamed the "Get the Directory of a Process" node to "Get Directory of a Process"
  • Renamed the "Enumerate Process Files" node to "List Process Files"
  • Fixed some Fast search tags
  • Fixed other minor issues
  • Rearranged the "Process informations" struct
  • Rearranged the "Window informations" struct
  • Currently working on: Handles

Version 5.1 (Mar 12, 2023) (Current Version for UE5.2, UE5.1, UE5.0 & UE4.27)

  • Optimized and cleaned some nodes
  • Extended "Enumerate Procces Files" node to gather more informations
  • Renamed "List Window Names of a Process" to "List Window Informations of a Process"
  • Extended "List Window Informations of a Process" to gather more informations
  • This plugin is now highly compatible with the Window Extension plugin (or Viewport Extension) (May not be true at release)
  • Added C++ support
  • Other minor improvements

Version 5.0 (Mar 05, 2023)

  • Changed the "Get informations of THIS process" node to "Get ProcessID of THIS process"
  • This node now just gets the ProcessID instead of all the process informations
  • Changed every node to now be in a category
  • Added variable tooltips to more functions
  • Introducing seven new nodes: "Get Foreground Process", "Is Process in Foreground", “List Window Names of a Process”, "Get Executable Name", "Enumerate Process Files", "Get Memory Statistics" & "Bytes to Megabytes"
  • Various small changes and improvements

Version 4.0 (Jan 04, 2023)

  • Combined "Exe Executor" and "Advanced Exe Executor" into one single node
  • Improved node descriptions to be more precise and accurate
  • Added list of long supported "Fast Search Tags" to documentation for faster node access
  • Added parameter descriptions to return values for enhanced understanding and usability
  • Enhanced "Exe Terminator" node with additional inputs for increased functionality
  • Renamed nodes for improved clarity and organization
  • Renamed all nodes in C++ code for consistency
  • Renamed all structs and enums in c++ code for consistency
  • Added PID input support for "Get Process Information" node
  • Introducing three new nodes: "Get Information of this Process", "Get Path of a Process" and “Get Module Informations”
  • Added output length feature for "List Process" node
  • Removed unnecessary and incorrect keywords for improved accuracy
  • Added support for Version 3.1 for all versions
  • Made various small changes and improvements for enhanced performance and user experience

Version 3.1 (Nov 19, 2022)

  • Added support for Unreal Engine 5.1
  • Improved "List Processes" to fetch more information. Now including the "PCB" (base priority of threads created by the process)
  • "Get Process Informations" also now fetches "PCB"
  • "Advanced Exe Executor" is now more convenient to use thanks to "Priority Modifier" set to normal when calling the node
  • "Sort Process List" now allows for reverse sorting with the new "Return Reverse" input set to true
  • Added tooltips to structs and enums for improved usability
  • Cleaned node descriptions and code
  • Optimized code for better performance

Version 3.0 (Oct 25, 2022) (Current Version for UE4.26)

  • Added "Advanced Exe Executor" node for executing .exe files with command line arguments, launching minimized/in the background, and changing process priority
  • Added "Filter Process List" node for filtering process arrays based on specific criteria
  • Added "Sort Process List" node for sorting process arrays based on specific criteria
  • Removed a feature which automatically removed all duplicates when listing all processes. The “Filter Process List” node will now take care of that
  • Added variable descriptions for some nodes

Version 2.0 4.26 (Sep 11, 2022)

  • Added backward compatibility for Unreal Engine 4.26

Version 2.0 4.27 (Jun 09, 2022)

  • Added backward compatibility for Unreal Engine 4.27

Version 2.0 (May 13, 2022)

  • Added "Get Process Informations" node
  • Structural rework in code
  • Added keywords and node descriptions
  • Completely reworked "List Processes" node
  • "Exe Executor" and "Exe Terminator" nodes now have return booleans
  • Optimized code for improved performance

Version 1.0 (May 13, 2022)

  • Initial release with 4 nodes

Technical Details

Features (All Nodes): (View all the node descriptions in the documentation)
  • Exe Executor - Executes .exe files
  • Exe Terminator - Terminates processes
  • List Processes - Returns a list of all currently running processes
  • Is Process Running
  • Get Process Informations - Gets all informations from a process
  • Sort Process List
  • Filter Process List
  • Get ProcessID of THIS Process - Gets the process informations of the current process in which the node got called
  • Get Path of a Process - Gets the path from where a running process got launched from
  • Get Module Informations - Gets the module informations of a process (Used (.dll) files)
  • Get Foreground Process
  • Is Process in Foreground
  • List Window Names of a Process - Lists all the window names of a process
  • Get Executable Name
  • Enumerate Process Files
  • Get Memory Statistics
  • Bytes to Megabytes

Code Module: ExeExecutor, Runtime

Number of Blueprint Nodes: 17

Number of C++ Classes: 1

Supported Development Platforms: Win64

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64

Documentation: View

BrokenArm Studios
All Assets by Author
Platforms Windows 64-bit
UE Versions 4.26 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.2
Release date 13.05.2022

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