Demo (Update 1)
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Update notes
Update 1.2/1.01.2 (2022-12-18)
- Tweaked all walk animations
- Fixed Getup_Seq over rotated arm issue
Update 1.1/1.01.1 (2022-12-11)
- Applied root motion data to all locomotion animations (walk, jog, run, brake, idle_to_jog)
- Restructure directories
Update 1/1.01 (2021-10-23)
- 35 new animations
- 9 blendspaces
- Added new function: spear stab by holding F then press LMB
- Can dodge cancel while in spear throw stance (holding F then press spacebar)
- Added idle to jog transition in the character blueprint
- Added jump landing to jog transition (pressing any movement key while landing)
This package includes essential animations for a character with spear & shield combat style, with a playable character blueprint. Recommended for an action RPG game.
Animation list:
- Idle [normal/shield/shield spear variations]
- Idle [carrying variation]
- Idle to jog [blendspace] [normal/shield/shield spear variations]
- Turn-in-place
- Walk (blendspace) [normal/shield/shield spear variations]
- Walk (blendspace) [carrying variation]
- Jog (blendspace) [normal/shield/shield spear variations]
- Brake (blendspace) [normal/shield/shield spear variations]
- Run
- Jump
- Fallings [3 variations]
- Landings (root motion) [3 variations]
- Landing to jog [root motion]
- Plunge attacks [3 variations]
- 20 Attacks (root motion)
- Running shield attack [root motion]
- 4 Shield throws
- 2 Idle - spear throw transitions
- Spear throw idle [blendspace]
- Spear throw throws [blendspace]
- Thrust (blendspace)
- Spear stab [blendspace]
- Roll (blendspace, root motion)
- Dodge (blendspace, root motion)
- Guard / Guard Hit / Guard Break
- Hurt (blendspace, root motion)
- Bound (root motion)
- Get up (root motion)
- Die (root motion)
- 4 Executions (root motion)
- 4 Equips/Unequips
- Kneel (root motion)
- Pick up (root motion) [2 variations]
- Use potion [root motion] [2 variations]
- 2 Powers/Abilities
- 3 Taunts