This pack contains over 12 detailed, organized and commented materials. Demonstration examples are in the Overview scene. The project also includes a skysphere, landscape, terrain texture examples and a few props. This is a living content pack: updates, maintenance and support will be provided. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.
Patrick P.
- 3 layer blend with detailed height blending and Material attribute parameters
- Supports dynamic or static tessellation and displacement
- Uses the landscape Mode and layer painting
- Animated wind applied by vertex colour with variable strength and direction parameters
- SubSurfaceScattering mask generator
Animated Cloth
- Animated wind and ripple effect using vertex colors and masked animated normal maps.
- Multiple parameters for wind animation directionality, strength and speed
Animated Water
- Animated waves, rain and ripple effects
- Object intersection for shorelines
- Colour depth modification
- Supports planar reflections
Multi Material Blend
- versatile multi material that can be used for terrain and props
- Animated Rain and wetness, darkens and applies displacement for puddles or mounds
- Blended and displaced by height map transitions and vertex colour. The displacement is toggleable
Multi Material Mask
- Tiles textured masked material layers
- Good for modular props, trim kits, building facades, detail tiles for grout, floor tiles
- Works for props with baked and tiling materials
Layered Scalable Prop
- Good for large objects, additional material layer tiles automatically using object space UV’s
- Ambient Occlusion material layer masking
- Top down worldspace blend for natural surface detail build up
Detailed Prop
- Detailed material attribute parameters for roughness, metal, specular, tiling etc
- Top down worldspace blend for natural surface detail build up
- Camera distance fades to blend the particle opacity.
- Good for dust, mist, fog, smoke and other ambient VFX.
- Comes with additional material using SubUV or Flipbook function for animated particles.
- Animated, intensifies and fades with camera distance.
- Good for Fog, Clouds, Mist, smoke.
- Can be used on objects or particles.
- Custom Skybox mesh and Material used for HDRI’s.
- Rotation, exposure and color tint controls.
- Simple Decal with Color tint, roughness and emissive controls.
Post Processing Sharpen
- Post processing material override to apply a sharpen and contrast effect, similar to photoshop.
Unreal Engine 4.25
Package can be migrated to old or upgraded to newer engine versions. Works with Unreal Engine 4 and 5.
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