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Easy Google PAD is a wrapper for Google PAD (Play Asset Delivery) that does all the heavy lifting for you.

Extend the android app bundle for your app and deliver the best & most optimized user experience possible!

There is currently a hard cap of 150mb on google play when you go to upload your AAB file, which causes issues for larger projects which simply can not achieve such compression size. The solution to this issue is to use Google's Play Asset Delivery!

With Easy Google PAD you have access to Google Play's Asset Delivery (Google PAD) functionality such as install-time, fast-following and on-demand packaging. 

Enabling you to cut down on CDN costs (Content delivery network), improve retention rates and increase the graphics quality of your game! 

Download and load in your quality assets tailored to your user's device while they are playing the game, or maybe have an initial map where you initiate all the downloads at once while showing off some cool screenshots or informational text to your users.

With Easy Google PAD, you have the power to choose!

Easy Google PAD is built in C++ for optimized execution and to minimize overhead for your application!

For projects larger than 2GB, GooglePAD is still highly relevant since you will save money on CDN costs for the 2GB that is available for free permanently with GooglePAD. Utilize the 2GB GooglePAD gives you in the most commonly used areas of your application such as main menu and initial levels, keep DLCs and rarely visited areas on your CDN-Network and crunch the costs with strategically packaged builds!

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Example Project



  • Added a 4th delegate that provides updates on any relevant information and event
  • Added more edge cases to error capture delegate
  • Comments, function/variable descriptions have been refactored for easier to understand info
  • Minor bug fixes

This product will not take part in any sales during it's first year on the marketplace.


Technical Details


★ Checks for previously downloaded asset packs and mounts them automatically

★ Initiate connection to google play backend to que up downloads

★ Check cellular data connection during downloads

★ Updates users on download progress through a delegate binding

★ Mount up and sets mount point of downloaded asset packs

★ Loads/Serializes downloaded asset data

★ Ability to access Object or Class from within a downloaded PAK file

★ [Get current platform] helper function

★ [Is Device a Tablet] helper function, used to diffirentiate between device types Phone/Tablet

★ [Get Project Name], helpful when setting up path strings

Example Project Features:

★ Setup example for all 3 different asset delivery modes

★ Static paths & dynamically gathered paths (Different device types)

★ How to access content inside asset packs PAK file

★ Removal of downloaded asset packs

★ UI texture setup based on device type

★ Shop DLC asset pack example

★ Download progress bar & text visuals

★ Heavily commented blueprints

Code Modules:

  •  Runtime Module: EasyGooglePAD
  •  Editor Module: EasyGooglePADEditor

Plugin Dependency:

  • GooglePAD Plugin

Number of C++ Classes: 4

Supported Development Platforms: Android, Windows, Linux, Mac

Supported Target Build Platforms: Android

Platforms Android
UE Versions 4.26 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.2
Release date 05.10.2022

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