Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
- LODs and separate LODs with HighResolution model 44974 vertices 78652 triangles for cinematics scenes
- Root bone
- Animations with RootMotion and InPlace
- UV-layout mirrored, 2 UV channels
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: No
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations: 106
Additive Head-Straight/Left/Right/Up/Down/Up-Left/Up-Right/Down-Left/Down-Right
Walk-/Back/Left/Right Walk-Start/Back-Start Run-/Left/Right Run-Start/Run-Stop
Sneak-/Back/Left/Right/Idle Sneak-Start/Back-Start Swim-/Left/Right/Idle Swim-Falling/Stun
Sit-Start/Idle/End Sit-Idle-Break/Idle-Break1/Roar/Roar1 Sleep-Start/Idle/End
Idle/Idle-Break/Idle-Break1/Idle-Break-Wallow/Dig/Wallow/Roar/Roar1/Roar2 Eat/Eat1 Drink Drink-Start/Idle/End
Attack-Bite Attack-Legs Attack-Spit Attack-Tail-Left/Right Hit-Left/Right Stun
Falling-Left/Right Jump Jump-Start/Idle/End Run-Jump Turn-Left/Right
Animation types: Root Motion and In-place
Number of characters: 5
Vertex counts of characters:
LOD0 13970 vertices 20306 triangles
LOD1 6358 vertices 7908 triangles
LOD2 2032 vertices 2420 triangles
HighRes 44974 vertices 78652 triangles
(Separate LOD's models included)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 2 Material and 10 Material Instances:
Number of Textures: 8 6 - Base Color, 1 - MetallicRoughnessAO, 1 - Normal,
Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096 - Base Color, MRAO, Normal 1024x1024 - Base Color ProtoFeathers
For Any Development Platforms