This pack is perfect for any cyberpunk game or project. The pack contains more than 350, very high quality cyberpunk PNG icons (avatars) at 4k resolution. If needed, the resolution can be downgraded to 2k, 1k or even 512 by 512 by changing the LOD Bias value in texture properties. It is easy to get less quality but impossible to get more, that is why my avatars are prepared for those of you with huge expectations, but can also be used without any problem by those who don't need very high quality and resolution.
Because of the very high quality and resolution, the icons can be used also for inspiration in creating very detailed 3d character, cyberpunk art style and concepts
These are just textures, so if you need to use them in lower Unreal versions (UE4 included), all you have to do is to export the textures on your hard drive and reimport them into any other project.