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This product is a simple communications system that lets you organize and control what messages the player sees. The core part is the Message Handler, an actor that you submit your communications requests to as you need. This system will queue up the submitted requests into a backlog making it easy to have a long conversation with multiple messages automatically play in order, even if other sources submit their own requests while this one is playing.

Next is the priority sorting. Coms submitted have priorities, low priority coms will only play if nothing else is playing and wont be put in the backlog. Good for random background chatter. Medium priority values will if something else is playing beyond background chatter go into the queue, but sorted in that queue based on their priority. If you have 3 priority 2 messages, one playing two in backlog and submit a priority 3 message, that priority 3 message would go into the backlog but be the first one to play now once the currently playing priority 2 message finishes.

And then Priority 4, the maximum priority that plays right now no matter what. With this you could have some character talking about a relevant lore moment in your level, only to get replaced by someone shouting about some big key event the player triggered. After all players might take trigger something faster than you expect while there's other dialogue going on, can't always wait in queue or pre plan for this. This system just helps you more easily organize and sort the communications in your level. You can always be submitting bits of background chatter for example, they just get ignored if there's anything more important going on. You don't need to coordinate all other actors and sources of coms carefully, this central system handles that itself.


Technical Details


  •  Coms Queue, submit multiple coms quickly and it will store them in the queue and play them in turn.
  •  Priorities, you can set priorities so one com might get ignored if others are playing, and others might get first spot in the backlog to play next, or even instantly replace anything else if truly time sensitive.
  •  Easy central system to manage all coms, you don't need to have all your actors or characters talking to each other to check if they can talk now, in most cases just submit the com request to the central Message Handler, if you want to check if any other coms are playing or what's in the backlog, easy Blueprint Interface helps with that too.

Number of Blueprints: 1 blueprint, 1 blueprint component, 1 widget for the main system, 4 other blueprints for the demo maps example.

Input: Uses default third person inputs for demo character in demo map, not required for use of the blueprint or widget.

Network Replicated: Yes, for best results messages submissions should all be submitted server side.

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Documentation: Link

Sean Dachtler
All Assets by Author
Platforms Windows 64-bit, Android
UE Versions 4.18 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.2
Release date 13.04.2023

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