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💫 Code Based Leaning | Version 1.6.5 (Enhanced Flexibility)

Tired of making Leaning Animations 🤔 ?

Well fear not my fellow Game Developer 😃, because this Plugin will procedurally add Leaning to your Player.

Just drag and drop the Component onto your Character. That's it ! 😲

🎥 Video Showcase : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLEEUUNWGaQ

🔰 Update Patch Notes : https://eyo1232004.wixsite.com/unrealengineplugins/kopie-von-patch-notes-code-based-le-1

📽️ Tutorial Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAtTS3-C56xNtTmcMGwCjL1mZw9qwnPug [In progress...]

🆘 Support E-Mail Address : help.chopstig@gmail.com

📖 Documentation : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KUxCE2FAID6o4JCDCAL...

🗺️ Development Plans : https://trello.com/b/XA8ThQTR/code-based-leaning-updates

🕸️ All Socials : 🔗 YouTube |🔗 Instagram

📋Content | What does it contain ?

❇️ Contains 4 Components : Leaning Component [Core] | Lean Link Asset | Lean Logic Class | Variable Storage Class

❇️ [New in 1.6.0] Pre-sets : Developers are able to store the configuration made in the Leaning Component

❇️ [New in 1.6.0] Custom Logic Programming : Developers are able to Code Logic for the Leaning Component (possible in Blueprints and C++) 🧪 [Experimental Feature] 🧪

❇️ [New in 1.6.0] Wall Detection System included : The Character can detect and avoid Walls in proximity

❇️ [New in 1.6.5] Extra Smoothness : Leaning can be as smooth as the Developer wants it to be (feels like V-Sync is active)

❇️ [New in 1.6.0] Dynamic Speed Detection : Leaning will dynamically adjust depending on the Characters Speed (more intense when Character is moving slowly)

❇️ [New in 1.6.0] Enhanced Debug View : Developers are able to see how each System works > if something is not working you can enable it = it might help

❇️ REALTIME Angle Calculation : This will completely remove the Leaning Error that occurred in Version 1.4.0 (Additional Features)

❇️[New in 1.6.0] Custom Mesh Selection Tool : Select each Mesh in your Hierarchy to be affected by the System [ Tag Based ]

❇️ [New in 1.6.0] [Additional] Head Rotation : The Head of the Character will rotate to the Direction the Character moves. [This is just a nice Touch. Disabling it won't affect this System at all]

🗞️ News | What is currently happening?

Update 1.7.0 (Polished) is now in Early Development Phase. > Click here to gain more Information 😜 !
Update 1.8.0 (Enhanced Modularity) is now already in Planning Phase > Click here to gain more Information 😜!
There's more to come (especially for Update 1.7.0) so be prepared 😉😊 !

Technical Details

🎭 Code Modules

  • Runtime [Core Leaning Code]
  • Editor [Lean Link Generation] Additional Feature [it is not necessary to use it at all]

Number of C++ Classes: 6 (Core : Leaning Actor Component, Additional : Lean Link Asset, Lean Logic Class + 3 Editor module Classes)

Network Replicated: Yes ( Further Updates on Stability will continuously get released ! )

Supported Development Platforms: Windows 64 Bit, Android (Mac should work as well)

Supported Target Build Platforms: All Platforms !

Example Project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q9MC8XRQUFH-eqHQb36E91HNUjfRkr_-/view?usp=sharing

  • Example Project is from Version 1.1.0 (Optimized) [March 2022]
  • will get updated in the Future [2023]

All Assets by Author
Platforms Windows 64-bit, Android, Windows 32-bit
UE Versions 4.27, 5.0 - 5.1
Release date 28.02.2022

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