Stadium and locomotion animations for AtomsUnreal agents, epic skeleton and metahumans skeleton. It also contains ready-to-use agent types and state machines for the AtomsUnreal plugin.
You can find a video with all the animations included here:
- Contains the Epic Skeleton used by the mannequin and the original animations.
- Contains animations retargeted to the metahuman male short/medium/tall normal weight and the Epic "crowd city sample" skeletons.
- Contains animations retargeted to the metahuman male short/medium/tall normal weight and the Epic "crowd city sample" skeletons. It also contains ready-to-use Atoms agent types and state machine assets.
- Mannequinn_Demo_Level: Demo scene with all the original animations
- Male_Demo_Level: Demo scene with all the male animations
- Female_Demo_Level: Demo scene with all the female animations
AtomsUnreal: (It requires the AtomsUnreal plugin)
- It also contains ready-to-use AtomsUnreal agent types and state machine assets.
- Male_Atoms_Demo_Level: contains an AtomsUnreal agent group using the male state machine (It requires the AtomsUnreal plugin)
- Female_Atoms_Demo_Level: contains an AtomsUnreal agent group using the female state machine (It requires the AtomsUnreal plugin)
The Idle/Walk/Jog Right animations are only available when using the AtomsUnreal state machine.
List of animations:
- AngryConversationOnTheSpot1 (2 variations) - In place
- AngryConversationOnTheSpot2 (2 variations) - In place
- ConversationOnTheSpot (3 variations) - In place
- Idle - In place
- IdleExamining - In place
- IdleLeft 45/90/135/180 - In place
- IdleLoco - In place
- IdleLookingAround - In place
- IdleLookingDown - In place
- IdleLookingForSomeone - In place
- IdleRight 45/90/135/180 - In place
- IdleToJog - Root motion
- IdleToRun - Root motion
- IdleToWalk - Root motion
- IdleWastingTime - In place
- Jog - Root motion
- JogLeft 90/180 - Root motion
- JogRight 90/180 - Root motion
- JogToIdle - Root motion
- JogToRun- Root motion
- JogToWalk - Root motion
- ListenOnTheSpot (3 variations) - InPlace
- Run - Root motion
- RunToIdle - Root motion
- RunToJog - Root motion
- RunToWalk - Root motion
- Sit - In place
- SitAngry (2 variations) - In place
- SitApplause (2 variations) - In place
- SitApplauseRythm (2 variations) - In place
- SitToStande - In place
- SitToStandMissed (2 variations) - In place
- SitToStandScore (2 variations) - In place
- SitWatching (2 variations) - In place
- SitWave (2 variations) - In place
- SitWaveHello - In place
- Stand - In place
- StandAngry (2 variations) - In place
- StandApplause (2 variations) - In place
- StandApplauseRythm (2 variations) - In place
- StandArmsUp (2 variations) - In place
- StandMissed (2 variations) - In place
- StandScore (2 variations) - In place
- StandToSit - In place
- StandWatching (2 variations) - In place
- StandWave (2 variations) - In place
- SwingFlag (2 variations) - In place
- Walk - Root motion
- WalkAndConversation (2 variations) - Root motion
- WalkAndListen (2 variations) - Root motion
- WalkLeft 45/90/135/180 - Root motion
- WalkRight 45/90/135/180 - Root motion
- WalkToIdle - Root motion
- WalkToJog - Root motion
- WalkToRun - Root motion