Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)
Animated: (No) DemoAnimation
Number of characters: 3
Vertex counts of characters:
Anime Sci-Fi LeonD10
Anime Sci-Fi AmeliB48
Anime Sci-FI EcoA76
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 31 (Mat) 71 (Inst)
Number of Textures: 90
Texture Resolutions:
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Anime Sci-Fi LeonD10: Jaw, Jaw1, Eyes_r2, Eyes_l, Bag_1-Bag_3
Anime Sci-Fi AmeliB48: Jaw, Jaw 1,Eyes_r, Eyes_l, Tail_l - Tail_l4, Tail_r - Tail_r4 , Tail_1 - Tail_6
Anime Sci-Fi EcoA76: Jaw, Jaw1, Eyes_r2, Eyes_l1, Hair_l - Hair_l5, Hair_r - Hair_r5, Hair_1 - Hair_1-3, Strand_1 - Strand_1_3 , Strand_r - Strand_r3, Strand_l - Strand_l3 , Hood, Hood2, Hood1, Shoelace_r, Shoelace_r3, Shoelace_l- Shoelace_l3
Important/Additional Notes: