- Climb ladder system
- Integration reserved
- 6 kinds of ladder meaterials, metal, rust metal, Iron, rust Iron, wood
- BP_Ladder is game-ready ladder, just drag into the world and set the height by your need, change the Materials then you can get a game ready ladder for you to climb.
Number of Blueprints: 13
Animations: 35 (rootmotion)
Network Replicated: I do not know it support or not, you can defaultly think it is not. This solution will use rootmotion, it might get some trouble for network, and I do not know how the mechanism is for network.
Supported Development Platforms: Windows: (Yes) Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JwKamrsL-q9s7hoQyP79V0gzqJSpm-CY/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104852179740448458253&rtpof=true&sd=true
Important/Additional Notes:
2022-08-08,Remake it , rootmotion was replaced by curve. Now it is V2 ,character drived Z move by curve, V1 can be download by the link in the project , in an actor BP, V1 character drived Z move by rootmotion.
2023-03-25,I reamke V1, the Rootmotion driven version, fix some bugs. Now , it behaves more steady. Downloadlink is in V2, an actor bp has the download link.