Watch the video to see all the beauty in motion: YouTube
All of the pictures and YouTube videos include this "stylized medieval city" set
This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.0+ (
Modular - 36 modular objects
- Objects can be docked together and build a variety of architecture. You can build a bridge, a house, castle walls with towers and decorate it all with small objects and plants.
Props - 19 props objects
- You will be able to fill your environment with life thanks to well-detailed and lively props.
Vegetation - 58 vegetation objects
- The set includes 27 assorted flowers, 3 types of grass, 11 ivy, 11 rocks, 3 bushes, and 3 trees. This is enough to create unique and huge forests, natural environments and whatever else you want.
Visual Effects:
5 visual effects made in niagara.
- Butterflies. The effect of flying butterflies with the adjustment of color, speed and strength of wingbeat in the material.
- Dust. A faintly visible dust, which creates the effect of the vividness of nature.
- Falling leaves. Falling leaves effect, with color and leaf size adjustments via material and niagara system.
- Flying Leaves. The effect of leaves flying in the wind, with color and size adjustments
- Wind Lines. The effect of the wind lines, creating a sense of movement in the scene. Lines can be adjusted in color, and the strength of transparency in the material and with niagara systems.
- Smoke. The effect of smoke from a chimney.
14 materials with a large number of settings and the ability to adjust to your project
Layered material
- 6 layers of textures.
- Zero layer
- Red layer
- Green layer
- Blue layer
- Alpha layer
- Unique layer
- Ability to turn on or off unnecessary features and textures (For material optimization)
- Vertex Paint
- Texture Tile Tuning
- Adjust the intensity of normal map
- Color tint setting
- Setting texture strength, height, and contrast
- Texture projection function from top to bottom, creating a fallen snow or moss effect
- Adjusting the strength, blurring, and position of textures that are projected from top to bottom
- Ability to use unique object textures with multiple UV channels
- Mixing with Landscape (RVT)
Water Material
- Deep color adjustment, water color, depth color, breakup color.
- Adjusting the strength and size of the normal.
- Shoreline effect from objects
- Adjusting shorelines. Adjusting the size, number of lines, noise.
- Setting the water speed.
- Adjust transparency, metallicity, and roughness.
Grass Material
- Mixing of two colors in a gradient from bottom to top. Adjusting the strength of the gradient
- Alfa texture color variation by world position
- Adjusting texture size and color
- Vertex wind animation
- Adding a wind texture that appears at the world position
- Adjusting the color, direction, speed, and strength of the wind
Flowers material
- Can do all the same things as the grass material
Leaves Material
- Changing the shape of leaves through alpha texture
- Adjust leaf color and gradient on all leaves at once
- Adding a slight glow-blur on the edges of all leaves
- Adjusting the glow-blur color
- Wind animation
- Adjusting the strength, speed, and intensity of the wind
Props material
- Adding unique mesh textures
- Emissive texture
- Mixing with Landscape (RVT)
Landscape material
- Using lots of textures to draw
- Changing the texture tile
Material of wind lines
- Wind lines are set up for niagara systems
Decal material
- Ability to use an optimized texture divided into 4 squares.
- Parallax function
Butterfly material
- Color tuning
- Adjustment of force, speed and frequency of wingbeat
- Smoke are set up for niagara systems