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LXR : Ultimate Light Detection

What is LXR?

LXR is a highly optimized plugin for detection, sensing and memorizing of lights.

What I can do with LXR?

With LXR you can measure the amount of light actor receives, make actors memorize light states and make actors sense light.

LXR is a multi-threaded and tick-optimized performant solution, even when multiple light sources are present.

LXR dynamically optimizes check interval based on the subject's distance to light sources.

LXR Supports all unreal dynamic light types: point, spot, rect and directional lights.

The plugin calculates illuminance (lux) an actor receives based on physically-based lighting using the same math that Unreal uses for rendering illuminance.

Although LXR uses Unreal's own equations for calculating illuminance, the final illuminance calculated by LXR is still an approximation.

Not just light detection


LXR can also be used for AI to memorize light states:

Example case would be when player turns off light and AI reacts to that

Memory state can be updated either by normal LXR Light detection or by Sense detection


LXR Sense enables AI's to see the light beams.

Example case would be when player is pointing flashlight in a corridor and AI can see the light but not having visual to player.

LXR is Smart, Fast and Easy.


Dynamically optimizes check interval based on distance to light source.


LXR is optimized to the bone.

Multithread ensures blazingly fast checks even in extreme conditions.

Smart mode makes sure that CPU time is allocated where it's needed.

Octree mode to only check nearby relevant lights.


LXR extremely easy to use.

One component for detecting one component for light sources.

Known issues:

  • For now LXR does not calculate illuminance from static lighting but I am researching a feasible way to do that.
  • Lumen is not supported, yet.

For more information head to LXR Documentation

Technical Details


  • Light detection
  • Smart
  • Fast
  • Easy

Code Modules:

  •  LXR, LXREditor

Number of Blueprints: 1 : Debug widget for Illuminance.

Number of C++ Classes: LXR : 14, LXREditor : 2

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Support : Discord

Documentation: Documentation

Example Project: Here (Unreal 5.2)

Pre-build projects: Showcase / Example

ClusterFact Games
All Assets by Author
Platforms Windows 64-bit, Windows 32-bit
UE Versions 4.26 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.1
Release date 13.11.2021

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