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GOOD NEWS EVERYONE: iOS Build - using Construct 3 builder, its working again. Now when using UnityAdsX in your project, it builds your xcode projecty corretly.

UnityAds3 is now UnityAdsX

This Unity Ads plugin enables the integration of Unity Ads video ads into your construct 3 games or apps in a way that both increases player engagement and puts more money in your pocket over the gamer’s lifetime. Unity Ads offers the highest Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) of any global rewarded video ad network.

Am really sorry, but unfortunately UnityAds3 its no longer free. If you have used or still using UnityAds3 Addon you can get This Updated New Version, without risking of start the project again.

What Is New?

  • Now supports Worker Mode
  • Plugin Name Change To UnityAdsX
  • Added New Plugin Logo
  • From Now On the version will be according to the unityads sdk version at the moment of the plugin changes, leaving last to revisions
  • Supports Construct 3 mobile app build service
  • Supports Google Play Store SDK Compliance Policy

Platforms supported

  • iOS
  • Android

Ad Types

  • Non Rewarded Video
  • Rewarded Video
  • Ad Banners


Go and create a new account and project for the desire platform in UnityAds portal

Insert the UnityAds Plugin in your project

Fill the UnityAds properties with the info acquired on Step 1 and detailed next.

UnityAdsX Properties

  • Android gameId
  • iOS gameId
  • Video PlacementId
  • Rewarded Video PlacementId
  • Test Mode: True by default for Your own protection. Remember to put it on false before your final build
  • Debug Mode
  • Google Play Family Compliance selector


Please read carefully the Unity Monetization Services Terms of Service. And most important: DON'T CLICK ON YOUR OWN APP ADS. Don't said I haven't warn You!

All Assets by Author
UE Versions
Release date 22.08.2023

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