Solus Combo System is a plugin for Unreal Engine that allows setting up a combo system for attacks in a simple way. It is made in C++ but it is designed to be used with Blueprints, allowing anyone with or without coding skills to easily create a combo system for fighting or action games.
Showcase Video:
Example Project: (Requires the Khaimera character).
This plugin works perfectly for action games with lots of different possible attack combinations, create your next fighting game and easily configure multiple combos using the graph editor.
The system handles melee collision detection using Unreal's physics system with the shape you want (box, sphere or capsule), it also performs a sweep per frame during an attack's execution for better accuracy.
Solus Combo System uses Unreal's Animation Montage system to setup attack animations using Animation Notifies.
NOTE: this is not a template and it does not include animations, it requires basic blueprint knowledge to use it, check the example project and the documentation for details on how to use the plugin.
This system only supports melee combat, it does not support ranged attacks.
An example game showcasing some of the plugin's features can be found here.
Questions? Feel free to contact me via email or join the Discord server!