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75 high quality sound effects. The Strategy Sound pack contains a wide election of sounds useful in a strategy game or R.T.S. including new clicks and switches, vehicle movement, good sirens/alarms and clock timers, flips and box/door opens, and general sounds like G.U.I. zoom and cheers/applause.

Like these sounds? Why not check out Sheeky's Sound Collections, bundles of sound packs and a discounted price.

Sheeky's Strategy Sounds:

TickLight1, TickLight2, TickGrandfather1, TickGrandfather2, LampSwitch, LockboltOpen, LockboltClose, ClockOn, ClockOff, BoxOpen, BoxClose, CreaksPlastic, TickloopWatch, TickloopTimebomb, TickloopCutey, TickloopGameshow, HeartbeatHouse, AlarmFireBrigade, AlarmBuzzer, SirenBurgular, SirenOldPhone, SirenMoonbase, SirenOxygen, Claxon, Thunderclap, Telephone, SwitchBeep, SwitchBell, SwitchBolt, SwitchBump, SwitchChimes, SwitchClick, SwitchLight, SwitchMetal, SwitchMotorised, SwitchPlain, SwitchWooden, UseArcadish, SecretArcadish, PickupArcadish, SciFiOpen, SciFiClose, BuzzerFail, BuzzerSuccess, MotorSneeze, MoveAircraft, MoveArtillery, MoveDestroyer, MoveCar, MoveCopter, MoveCyclone, MoveHeli, MoveProp, MoveSubmarine, MoveTruck, WoodPiece, Explo1, Explo2, FlipUp1, FlipUp2, LevelUp, LevelDn, LevelupWibble, Deepdist, ApplauseHeavy, ApplauseLight, CheerAah, CheerOoh, GUIMisc, GUIOkay, GUICancel, GiantsFootstep, Hup, Zoom, ZoomMax.

Mark Sheeky
All Assets by Author
UE Versions 1.00
Release date 01.02.2023

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