75 high quality sound effects. This set contains a large collection of pick-up and notification sounds; health and ammo pickups, rotates/switches/buzzers, bonuses, coin sounds and the short snappy effects essential to brighten any game.
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Sheeky's Adventure Sounds:
ExitOpen1, ExitOpen2, ExitOpen3, PickupDot1, PickupDot2, RotateArrowsR, RotateArrowsL, TileHit1, TileHit2, TileHit3, TileGroup1, TileGroup2, TileGroup3, DropArcadish, PickupArcadish, EventWhite, EventCombat, EventHorn, EventBells, EventWater, SwitchBolt, SwitchClick, SwitchWooden, SwitchBump, SwitchBeep, SwitchMotorised, SwitchLight, SwitchBell, SwitchChimes, SwitchMetal, SwitchPlain, FailBuzzer, SuccessBuzzer, AscentWood, DescentWood, BonusPing, BonusCymbal, BonusCrystal, BonusSaucer, BonusCoins, BonusChimes, BonusApplause, TimeTickHeartbeat, TimeTickClock, TimeTickPT30, PickupWow, PickupStab, PickupMech, PickupClick, PickupLoad, PickupHealth1, PickupHealth2, PickupDull, Coin1, Coin2, CoinBamboo, CoinBrass, CoinCopper, CoinGold, CoinOak, CoinThree, CoinWood, CoinZinc, BonusBeep, BonusLife, BonusMarimba, BonusThunder, BonusTriple, BonusXylo, BonusSparkle, SlamCool, SlamCooltoo, SlamCooltree, SlamGood, SlamUp.
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