-----File List-----
[Total SFX] : 108
Nature Sound 43
Ocean Wave 7
River Ambience 3
Sea Shore Ambience 3
Lake Ambience 5
Seagull Ambience 2
Seagull Oneshot 2
Underwater 5
Wave Crash 5
Rushing Wave 9
Running Water 2
Movement Sound 65
Swimming One Shot 13
Oneshot Diving 4
Underwater Swimming Loop 2
Oneshot Splash 6
Oneshot Snorkeling 3
Paddling Loop 2
Paddling Oneshot 4
Swimming Ambience Loop 1
Oneshot Bubble Sound 5
Oneshot Fishing 6
Underwater Swimming Oneshot 3
Playing in the water 6
Oneshot Footsteps in Water 7
Oneshot Waterdrop 3
Here are various 108 Water Movement & Ambient sound effects.
All recorded in South Korea and Japan.
This package is not just a lot of supplies!
There are many different kinds of HQ Water sounds in this package.
No peak, Equal loudness and all loop files are seamless for sure.
And also all sound effects are Royalty-Free.
Studio September is here.
Business Mail: studioseptemberofficial@gmail.com