1: Angels Length:5m 28s 23 loops - Key: Dmin
2: Centre Planet Length:4m 29s 19 loops - Key: Dmin
3: Gravity Length:6m 07s 14 loops - Key: Amin
4: Hyperdrive Length:5m 32s 12 loops - Key: Dmin
5: Solar Dawn Length:4m 56s 24 loops - Key: D min
6: Star Rise Length:5m 15s 12 loops - Key: D min
7: Starblind Length:5m 51s 17 loops - Key: F maj
8: Star Night Length:5m 36s 17 loops - Key: C maj
9: Van Allen Belt Length:4m 20s 23 loops - Key: D min
10: Zero G Length:7m 29s 30 loops - Key: A maj
Demo: Sci-Fi Soundtracks Pack 6 Demos
Number of Audio Wavs: 239
Number of Audio Cues: 239
Sample rate / bit rate: (i.e. 44.1 kHz, 16bit Stereo WAVs)
Does music loop: Yes
Minutes of audio provided: 2hrs 10m
Supported Development Platforms:All
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