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Industrial abandoned buildings in the middle of an urban district with a big canale area. The scene contains highly detailed objects like modular elevations, metal constructions, containers, drills, fences, loader, and many more to build such a district. Most assets were built based on the photogrammetry technique and properly optimized and hand-tweaked to work in real-time scenes on UE4 and UE5. There were prepared two lighting setup day and dark overcast. This pack includes a mannequin by Epic Games for presentation.
And like always remember after every 🔥 >>> 10 reviews <<< 🔥 we will make a free update. Write in your review what you want 👀 Hurry - we only wait until June 2023.
- we could make a kind of remake of our Abandoned Factory Buildings with these assets
- additional at least 10 new unique objects(roofs etc.) + building prefabs
- additional small scene to show more possibilities
- new lighting scenario
Nanite and lumen will be supported by us since the 5.1 version will be the official release. We expect that the version will be stable enough to do that. This will be the case with all our packages. For now with UE 5.0 and 5.1 please write documentation.
Check our other products here based on scans: Unreal Marketplace. And find out more information about us HERE