this is a unreal engine runtime editor template, you can development for software,such as Twinmotion;
- Docking Save And Restore
- Placement DockTab ,Drag And Drop,such as UE5 Editor
- Outliner ,support search ,such as UE5 Editor
- Outputlog,such as UE5 Editor
- Runtime Property Editor,such as UE5 Editor, support category metadata ,displayname metadata
More Meta data will be supported later
such as ClampMin , ClampMax ,AllowMetaClass etc...
Currently not supported TSet,TArray,TMap ,will be supported in the next release;
you can use Property Editor anywhere in runtime,such as runtime world setting or your global setting
- Run Game Mode
- ToolBar And Menu Bar
Upcoming Feature:
- Runtime Transform Gizmo ,such as UE5 Editor
Runtime Redo And Undo - Runtime Multi Viewport ,such as Static Mesh Preview
- More Meta Data for Runtime Property Editor
Runtime UMG DesignerRuntime World Serialization and DeserializationScript Support , such as support Lua