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Random Level Generator Template for Top-Down View Games

Please note, there are two versions of this template - this one is for Top-Down View games. If you are making a platformer game, please purchase a different template.

Making a game with 1000 levels? Creating each level manually will take you weeks or even months of work. Generate your levels from a set of small scenes and you can have a practically infinite number of levels! Pick scenes randomly, or load a list of scenes for each level from an array.

This template includes 5 demo levels which will show you how to ...

  • Create random levels with any number of scenes, placed in a 2D grid
  • Pick specific scenes, for example with treasure or bosses
  • Create a dungeon level like in "The Binging of Isaac"
  • Create a level, where dungeon configuration is read from the array.
  • Create a racing track with pre-defined configuration, where each segment of the track is picked randomly.
  • Use seeded random to generate the same random level for all players

The code is clean and well-documented, make sure to read all comments.

No 3rd party addons were used.

Please try this template on the Arcade before you buy!

UE Versions 1.2
Release date 02.04.2023

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