The racing engine sound effects sample pack containing 452 high-quality sounds with 5 "racing engine" vehicles sound-sets, suitable racing game atmosphere sounds, engine boost sounds, adaptive music (racing game soundtracks, cinematic intro, menu music) and female voice samples for game-specific announcements.
[ Updated and improved: Update-1 ]
We have reworked major parts of the asset. Additionally, the demos are now more detailed and show exactly what is included in the asset. Thank you for your reviews and questions.
[ Demo video ]
[ Audio preview ]
Complete overview as playlist:
Preview female voice samples:
More than 240 word fragments complete the package. Construct your own game-specific announcements from a pool of female voiced words.
Preview of how the engine sound-sets are structured:
The preview is used to show how a "racing engine" vehicle sound-set is built. All sounds are coordinated with each other and can be controlled via programming to match the events in your video game. The sounds for the vehicle without acceleration or deceleration have a seamless loop.
Preview of the single (5) racing engine sound sets:
The first part of the video (0:00) contains a preview of the individual racing engines sound sets with additional audio effects such as chorus and reverb to show how it might finally sound in a video game. The second part (2:50) contains the engine sound set without additional audio effects (dry samples) as they are present in the video game asset.
[ Documentation ]
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[ Adaptive music ]
To customize the royalty-free adaptive music soundtracks to your game scene or video, the package also contains the single tracks. You can rearrange the soundtracks according to your own ideas and requirements. The songs in this pack offer much more flexibility than ordinary soundtracks. The ready-made mixes are also included. All soundtracks are tested in various situations like smartphones, tablets, headphones, pc and tv speakers, caraudio-systems and professional mixed to have a good sound in all of them.
[ The sound effects pack consists of ]
5x racing engine vehicles
30x engine rpm sounds (six speeds per engine)
50x transition sounds between speeds (up and down)
25x extra: All speed-up transitions also selectable with gear shift sound
242x suitable racing game female voiced words to combine
3x adaptive fast racing game soundtracks (43x single tracks + 3x ready mixes)
1x adaptive music cinematic intro (20x single tracks + 2x ready mixes)
1x adaptive menu music (7x single tracks + 1x ready mix)
13x boost ignition sounds
8x suitable racing game atmosphere sounds