Proto Animated Text - a lightweight rich text extension
Demo Video | Documentation | Version 1.02
Print text letter-by-letter and create powerful material-driven animations!
Insert images and interactive widgets into text!
This plugin extends Epic's default Rich Text, adding support for printing letter-by-letter, and exposing new data to font materials to make per-character animation possible. This plugin manipulates the characters of text with minimal impact on performance, and maintains the layout and justification of your rich text while it prints out.
Animations are handled by font materials, so your only limit is your imagination! With this plugin, you can access a new node in font materials. This node allows you to manipulate characters in-order (like the waving text example), randomly (like the shaking text example), and as they are being printed.
All your text styling and animations are still driven by Rich Text mark-up, just like Epic's default Rich Text. This means it's built on a proven pipeline, and localizing your strings is just as easy as before. It also means you can change animations per-localized-string if necessary.
About the Author
PROTO is an independent game developer, previously a designer and programmer on bestselling AAA games.
Known Issues
- Does not support right-to-left languages like Arabic (yet!). You can edit markup in localized strings to opt these languages out of plugin features to still render like normal Rich Text.
- Known Issues - Visit this link for a list of known issues and workarounds.
Version 1.02
- Fixed ProtoRichTextBlocks not initializing correctly when dragged into 2D view instead of hierarchy in UMG Editor.
- Fixed DataTable properties in ProtoRichTextBlock not allowing valid assets in 5.1.
- Added various defensive checks in code to throw errors rather than crash in unexpected circumstances.
Version 1.01
- Fixed crash when calling SetText on text that was not currently visible.