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Among this files are, Small, large, medium swords, axes, spears, bows, weak, strong, blocked punches, shields, and several others.

It's important to note that I named the files after the visual reference when I created them, but you can use it as you see fit! For example, suddenly the sound that I named "sword" you can use for any metal weapon that fits.

All sounds are also made with several layers so this package can also serve for other situations that involve the sound of these weapons

  • Axe_Hit_01
  • Axe_Hit_02
  • Axe_Hit_03
  • Axe_Hit_04
  • Axe_Hit_05
  • Axe_Hit_06
  • Big_Metal_Weapon_01
  • Big_Metal_Weapon_Double_Hit_01
  • Big_Metal_Weapon_Hit_01
  • Big_Metal_Weapon_Multiple_Hits_01
  • Big_Metal_Weapon_Slide_01
  • Big_Metal_Weapon_Slide_02
  • Big_Metal_Weapon_Slide_03
  • Bonus
  • Bow_01
  • Bow_02
  • Bow_03
  • Dagga_Hit_01
  • Dagga_Hit_02
  • Gore_Only_01
  • Long_Sword_Hit_01
  • Long_Sword_Hit_02
  • Long_Sword_Hit_03
  • Long_Sword_Hit_04
  • Long_Sword_Impact_01
  • Long_Sword_Impact_02
  • Long_Sword_Impact_03
  • Long_Sword_Parry_01
  • Long_Sword_Remove_01
  • Long_Sword_Slide_01
  • Long_Sword_Slide_02
  • Long_Sword_Slide_03
  • Long_Sword_Slide_04
  • Long_Sword_Slide_05
  • Medium_Sword_Hit_01
  • Medium_Sword_Hit_02
  • Medium_Sword_Hit_03
  • Medium_Sword_Impact_01
  • Medium_Sword_Impact_02
  • Medium_Sword_Impact_03
  • Medium_Sword_Impact_04
  • Medium_Sword_Remove_01
  • Medium_Sword_Slide_01
  • Punch_Blocked_01
  • Punch_Clothes_01
  • Punch_Explosion_01
  • Punch_Gore_01
  • Punch_High_01
  • Punch_Low_01
  • Punch_Strong_01
  • Regular_Metal_Weapon_Slide_01
  • Regular_Metal_Weapon_Slide_02
  • Regular_Metal_Weapon_Slide_03
  • Regular_Metal_Weapon_Strong_Hit_01
  • Regular_Sword_Hit_01
  • Regular_Sword_Hit_02
  • Regular_Sword_Hit_03
  • Regular_Sword_Hit_04
  • Regular_Sword_Hit_05
  • Regular_Sword_Slide_01
  • Regular_Sword_Slide_02
  • Regular_Sword_Slide_03
  • Regular_Sword_Slide_04
  • Regular_Sword_Slide_05
  • Regular_Sword_Slide_06
  • Regular_Sword_Spin_01
  • Shield_Hit_01
  • Spear_Hit_01
  • Spear_Hit_02
  • Spear_Slide_01
  • Spear_Strong_Hit_01
  • Sword_Hit_01
  • Sword_Hit_02
  • Sword_Hit_03
  • Sword_Hit_04
  • Sword_Impact_01
  • Sword_Impact_02
  • Sword_Impact_03
  • Sword_Impact_04
  • Sword_Slide_01
  • Sword_Slide_02
  • Sword_Slide_03
  • Whoosh_01
Alan Dalcastagne
All Assets by Author
UE Versions 2.0
Release date 18.07.2023

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