PBR 4 texture sets ( Normal DirectX, BaseColor,Roughness, Metallic, AlfaMask, AmbientOcclusion)
25 basic variations of baseball bats
Polycount from 1080 tris to 35 040 tris
Game ready. FBX and scene UE4 with customized materials
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
Number of Unique Meshes:25
Collision: ( automatically generated)
Vertex Count: 800- 19000
LODs: (No)
Number of Materials and Material Instances:5
Number of Textures: 4
Texture Resolutions: (Please list all various texture resolutions) 2048*2048px; 2048*4096px; 512*1024px
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes/No)
Mac: (No)
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