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This is template for maze generation. It use recursive backtracker algorithm.

Thanks to it, you can generate many different mazes or dungeons built on the basis of a maze.

Here are a few reasons why it's a great algorithm for creating mazes:

  • Randomness: The algorithm generates mazes with a high degree of randomness, which means that the resulting mazes are always unique and unpredictable. This makes them more interesting and engaging for players or users.
  • Complexity: The algorithm generates mazes with a good balance of complexity and simplicity. The mazes are complex enough to be challenging, but not so complex that they become overwhelming or impossible to solve.
  • Flexibility: The algorithm can be easily modified to produce different types of mazes. For example, you can add constraints to the algorithm to create mazes with specific features, such as dead ends or loops.
  • Efficiency: The recursive backtracker algorithm is very efficient and can create mazes quickly, even for very large sizes. This makes it a good choice for generating mazes in real-time applications, such as games or simulations.

Overall, the recursive backtracker algorithm is a great choice for generating mazes because it strikes a good balance between efficiency, randomness, complexity, and flexibility.

The settings displayed above the maze are for testing purposes only. If you want to set the values ​​in a real game you should do it in the event sheet, its very easy.

No 3rd party addons

UE Versions 1.2
Release date 27.02.2023

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