Sub-Machinegun with detachable Scope and folding stock. Compatible with Futuristic Pistol pack attachments.
Blueprint Example on how to assemble.
Shared Master material, uses the same template as Futuristic Pistol Pack.
Texture Sets Contains
- base material: Albedo, normal, combined texture AO_Roughnes_metallic
- Simple Glass material
Gun has mechanical animations and example animation blueprint and montages for a functional one.
Number of Unique Meshes: 6
Collision: Yes, custom
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes
Texture Sizes
4096 (4), 2048(4) 1024 (3), 512 (3), 128 (2), 32 (1)
Number of Materials and Material Instances 6
Number of Textures 15
Blueprints 4
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Vertex Count
Sk_hurme_gun_45 32856
sk_Hurme_Magazine_4 782
Sk_hurme_optic_39 20043
SM_12mmCartridge 540
SM_12mmHollowPointBullet 219
SM_12mmShell 321