- Lance with colors customization and 4 custom vamplates
- Banner and 2 shields with colors and theme customization
- Fence and Rope Decorations based on Spline (and with colors customization)
- 3 Bonus Props! (A wooden training sword, an arrow and a rope target)
Texture Sizes:
- 2048x2048
- 1024x1024
- 512x512
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
Vertex Count (Tris): Lance (640), Lance tip (336), Vamplate1 and Vamplate2 (1290), Vamplate3 and Vamplate4 (1878), Shield1 (2376), Shield2 (1864), Lance Rack (612), Fence Pale (60), Fence Cross Pale (36), Arrow (1858), Banner (1250), Flag1 and Flag2 (1), FlagsDecoration (example) (2250), Rope (piece) (112), Rope Target (924), Wooden Sword (452).
LODs: 4
Number of Meshes: 19 (18 static, 1 skeletal)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 20 (19 materials, 1 instance)
Number of Textures: 98 (58 textures and 40 masks)
Supported Development Platforms: PC and Console
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC and Console