110 AAA quality 3D assets.
Tileable Textures.
Master Materials for all objects to control roughness and color
Using instant Materials for all objects
Demonstration Maps fully completed (Completed industrial loft interior)
LOD's for almost all main objects.
Props scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Texture Size: 352 Textures from 8x8 to 4K
Collision: Yes (auto)
Average Vertex Count: 1800
LODs: 2 levels reduce 75% vertices for LOD1 and 60% vertices for LOD2
Number of Meshes: 110
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 135
Engine Compatibility: 4.19+
Intended Platform: Desktop PC
Platforms Tested: Desktop PC
Documentation Included: No
Important\Additional Notes: Tested with Baked GI & Real Time.