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Goblin Hordes™ is a lighthearted, free-wheeling game with surprisingly subtle strategy as a fantasy game of raiding and plunder for one or more players.

You are a Goblin Chieftain and you have at your command a company of restless goblins. Your recent war-party raid attempts cost the blood and injuries of several tribe members with little plunder to show for your efforts. Whispers of a new Chieftain arise among your tribe!

You know of several profitable locations to raid -- the "fortified Monastery", the Towns of LakeShore, Tewksbury, and Braxton. Then too, you might consider raiding merchant caravans at the risk of their guard escorts. If only you could surprise them before the Baron's troops arrive.

Goblin Hordes Instructions ...

Use your arrow keys to move your Goblin Chieftain.

Game Object: The player who amasses the greatest amount of plunder as Goblin Chieftain, before being killed in battle or deposed by his own goblins, is the winner.

In the single-player game, each gamer takes a turn at playing a tribal Goblin Chieftain, leading your goblin raiders as they pillage and burn a peaceful quite valley of human folk.

In the multi-player game (licensed version only), each player may elect to play:

  • as "cooperative", yet competing, Goblin Chieftains;
  • OR
  • as the hostile Human troops who gathers the valley's peasant farmers and Baronial troops in a desperate attempt to stave off the goblin raids.
UE Versions
Release date 29.12.2023

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