3 Pistols with interchangeable attachments
Blueprint examples on how to assemble.
Shared Master material for all guns.
Ammo count material and example setup ready for Surma.
Texture Sets Contains
- base material: Albedo, normal, combined texture AO_Roughnes_metallic
- Simple Glass material
- Led display digits material (example system uses datatable to drive the texture offsets)
Pistols have mechanical animations included.
Example Shoot montages and animation blueprints.
Number of Unique Meshes: 16
Collision: Yes, custom
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes
Texture Sizes
4096 (16), 1024 (6), 512 (9), 128 (2), 32 (1)
Number of Materials and Material Instances 14
Number of Textures 34
Blueprints 4
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Vertex Count
sk_Rankaisija_gun_21 12431
sk_Rankaisija_Magazine_3 7082
sk_Rankaisija_neuro-optic_29 19291
sm_12mmCaseless_Cartridge 632
sm_12mmCaselessBullet 252
sm_12mmCaselessemptyCartridge 380
SK_Laserlight_8 4376
SK_Reddot_9 3906
SK_Surma_gun_14 10691
SK_Surma_Magazine_3 7342
SK_Surma_Supressor_4 2416
SM_12mm_bullet 572
SM_12mm_cartridge 1336
SM_12mm_casing 764
sk_Turma_23 9385
sk_Turma_Magazine_4 6620
sm_12mmbullet 1062
sm_12mmcartridgemagnum 1442
sm_12mmcasingmagnum 380