- 5 x Axes 5 x Skeletal
- 5x Bard weapons 5x Skeletal
- 5x Books 5x Open Books 5x Skeletal
- 5x Bows 5x Skeletal
- 5x Daggers 5x Skeletal
- 5x Flintlocks 5x Skeletal
- 5x Great Axes 5x Skeletal
- 5x Great Swords 5x Skeletal
- 5x Hammers 5x Skeletal
- 5x Hand2Hand/Knuckle 5x Skeletal
- 5x King Swords 5x Skeletal
- 5x Maces 5x Skeletal
- 5xPolearm 5x Skeletal
- 5x Throwing Potions 5x Skeletal
- 5x Scythe 5x Skeletal
- 5x Shield 5x Skeletal
- 5x Staves 5x Skeletal
- 5x Swords 5x Skeletal
- 5x Two Handed Hammers 5x Skeletal
- 5x Throwing Weapons 5x Skeletal
- 5x Wands 5x Skeletal
- Modular Great Hall Kit plus Rocks trees
- Chairs, tables, banners, holders everything seen comes with the kit.
- Loot! (coins, gold bars, gems, chests)
Texture Sizes:
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: Custom and Auto
Vertex Count: Weapons range from 800-2000
LODs: Yes on large poly objects generated with simplygon
Number of Meshes:225
Number of Skeletal Meshes: 116 (105 weapons+ 11 ammo and gear)
Number of Materials and Material Instances:84
Number of Textures: 394 (Includes weapon Icons)
Supported Development Platforms: PC
Supported Target Build Platforms:PC, Console, VR
Documentation: Prop Garden Studios
Important/Additional Notes: No character or Inventory Blue Prints Included)