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Now you can create a HUD with hearts for your game like famous games in your game!

Support for build 3 and 2!

Contains .c3p and .capx

Easy to understand and implement in your project.

Most of the lines are commented, describing exactly what each one does in the code, to make it easier to understand and when implementing it in your game.

You can either just copy everything or study how the code works.

And to do the actions, just call a function for each action in your character's life.

If he gets a life, gets hurt, gets a new heart and if you want him to get his whole life back.

You can use this code in any type of game, both top-down and platform.


  • When you add 1 new life, you add a new heart;
  • If the player receives any damage, the hearts HUD updates;
  • When the player acquires a cure (potions), fills 1 heart;
  • If the hearts are empty and acquire a new life, all empty hearts will be filled 1 by 1, this can be used at checkpoints too.;
  • Simple player movement mechanics;
  • Player takes equal damage in Hollow Knight;
  • Interaction with objects in the scene;
  • BONUS: Fireball attack with particles AND mana system with bar that increases and decreases!;

Free Arts Credits:

Adventures Character and Fireball - Itch: bdragon1727 - 16x16 Pixel Adventures Character

Dungeon Tileset - Itch: genewheel - 16x16 Dungeon Tileset

Hearts and Mana Bar - Itch: elv-games - Free Inventory Asset Pack

All Assets by Author
UE Versions 1.0.0
Release date 23.10.2023

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